AI-Automated Item Entry

With the upload of a photo, receive recommended item brand, color, size, price, descriptions, and more.

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Experience the simplicity of AI-Automated Item Entry.

AI Item Entry is available for our professional plan customers to test up to 150x per month as part of our technical preview. Your input is crucial as we gather feedback to refine this tool for consignment and resale stores like yours. Try it today!

What once took minutes now takes seconds. I can go through inventory at least five times faster with AI-Automated Item Entry.

- Store Owner

This is game changing. With the click of a button, I receive auto-populated recommendations for my item. All I have to do is review it.

- Manager, Inventory

I can cruise through containers of inventory now that I can upload pictures all at once. Completed item entries come back seconds later. Job done. What's next?

- Employee, Consignment Store

What is AI-Automated Item Entry?

SimpleConsign's AI-Automated Item Entry is a feature that makes item entry up to 5x faster. Built with AI, when you upload a photo of your inventory item, AI-Automated Item Entry will populate all item fields with  recommendations for descriptions, pricing, category, and more. No more time-intensive manual entry. 

Get the most out of AI-Automated Item Entry

Change the way you do item entry and research

AI-Automated Item Entry can significantly expedite the way you run your business. Findings based on an in-house study that found time savings could be up to 5X.*


Faster than manual item entry*


I am a customer on the Professional Plan. How can I start using AI-Automated Item Entry?
We have a guide that will help you get started. You can access it here!
When would I use AI-Automated Item Entry?

AI-Automated Item Entry is a great tool for (1) inventory research and (2) item entry

  1. AI-Automated Item Entry can be used as a discovery tool to quickly identify the brand, color, recommended price and more for items you don't recognize. 
  2. AI-Automated Item Entry is also a time saver. When you upload and submit a picture of an item, your inventory fields will be automatically populated with AI-generated recommendations. Simply review and submit to your inventory management system.
How much time can I save with AI-Automated Item Entry?

In recent studies conducted in house, we've found that AI-Automated Item Entry is up to 5x faster than manual item entry, especially when researching an item is needed. Said another way, what used to take minutes to do one item, now takes seconds.

How does AI help with Item Entry?

AI-Automated Item Entry is using AI to identify the item based on the photo you submit. Specifically, the AI engine analyzes the picture and figures out what the item is. It can recognize many types of products by looking at their shape, color, and other features.

After the AI identifies the item, it then auto-populates all the important details about the item into SimpleConsign's inventory management system.

All your team has to do is review the information the AI provides.

This way, AI saves you time and effort by quickly and accurately identifying items and providing their details, making the process of managing your consignment and secondhand inventory more efficient.